Dash Living Kagurazaka

Property Information

Immerse yourself in Tokyo's most famous foodie neighborhood- Kagurazaka. While it retains a traditional Japanese atmosphere, Kagurazaka now has a significant French presence with many French expatriates living in the area. Along with this offers some of the city’s best French cuisine! Numerous cafes, bakeries and restaurants line many of the streets. Famous for many samurai homes back in Edo period, Kagurazaka was once dubbed as “mini Kyoto” with many hidden alleyways which is perfect for exploration. We are happy to offer tips to make your trip to Tokyo a memorable one. Perfect for travelers, this apartment is in a brand-new building that was completed in 2023. The home is thoughtfully designed with the traveler in mind.

Hassle-free procedures
No key money
No guarantor needed
No agent fees
No fire insurance payment required
Simplicity of a digital contract


Dash Living Kagurazaka, 344-3 Yamabukicho, Shinju-ku, Tokyo 162-0801, Japan

Tokyo Metro Yurakucho Line 「Edogawabashi」 station 4 minutes by foot

Tokyo Metro Tozai Line 「Kagurazaka」 station 10 minutes by foot


  • Delivery box
  • Free WiFi

Facility Services

  • No front desk
  • Mailbox

Room Type

Studio 101
Size 20 ㎡
Capacity 1 person
Rent Please contact us for details.

Inquire about the availability of this room.

Studio 01
Size 33 ㎡
Capacity 2 person
Rent Please contact us for details.

Inquire about the availability of this room.

Studio 02
Size 33 ㎡
Capacity 2 person
Rent Please contact us for details.

Inquire about the availability of this room.

Studio 501
Size 22 ㎡
Capacity 1 person
Rent Please contact us for details.

Inquire about the availability of this room.

2bedroom 502
Size 65 ㎡
Capacity 4 person
Rent Please contact us for details.

Inquire about the availability of this room.

2bedroom 503
Size 70 ㎡
Capacity 5 person
Rent Please contact us for details.

Inquire about the availability of this room.

Steps to Signing a Contract

  1. STEP1

    Form Submission
    You will receive an email confirming availability.
    If you have any questions or requests, please feel free to contact us.
    *At this stage, the reservation for occupancy has not been completed.
  2. STEP2

    A dedicated advisor will contact you
    We will reply to you based on the information you provide in the form.
    Please contact us directly to discuss rents and requirements.
    We can help you find an apartment that meets your needs.
  3. STEP3

    Application and move-in contract
    You will receive the necessary documents for moving in from our staff.
    Upon completion of the tenant screening, please proceed to the contract process.
  4. STEP4

    The property manager will inform you about check-out and extension of your stay.

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